
Nuttall, Macavoy & Joyce, P.C.

A Law Firm Specializing in Education Law

Who We Are

The law firm of Nuttall, MacAvoy & Joyce, P.C. has specialized in the areas of special education and general education law for over thirty years. During that period, the firm has participated in excess of two hundred hearings before the Bureau of Special Education Appeals and has represented numerous clients in both the state and federal courts.

Get in touch with us to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire whether our services are right for you.




1020 Plain Street, Suite 270
Marshfield, MA 02050

55 Providence Highway, Unit 2
Norwood, MA 02062

(781) 837-7428


Areas of Practice

General Education

Nuttall, MacAvoy & Joyce, P.C. has extensive experience in the representation of clients in all aspects of school law.  In contrast to other law firms, school law is not just a “sideline” business or one of many practice areas for our firm.  Instead, our attorneys focus almost exclusively on school law representing public school districts and charter schools across Massachusetts.  Our firm has attorneys with over eighty years of combined experience and other resources necessary to provide school districts with quality and effective legal representation, and our concentration on public school law results in substantial cost savings for our clients. 

Section 504

Nuttall, MacAvoy & Joyce, P.C. has extensive experience advising and representing clients in all aspects of Section 504. Our attorneys have experience representing clients in Section 504 matters in federal court, before the Bureau of Special Education Appeals, and before the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights.  Because our practice is exclusively dedicated to school law, our firm is sensitive to the evolving legal obligations required under Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

Special Education

State and federal special education laws create a complex combination of legal responsibilities for school districts. Nuttall, MacAvoy & Joyce, P.C. has a vast amount of experience navigating state and federal special education laws, advising school districts on the delivery of special education services to students with disabilities and representing schools in special education disputes.  Because our practice is exclusively dedicated to school law, our firm is sensitive to the evolving legal obligations required by state and federal law.

Student Rights

Nuttall, MacAvoy & Joyce, P.C. provides advice and counsel to school districts on a regular basis on student issues such as student discipline, free speech rights, bullying/harassment, student records, religion in schools, Title IX, graduation, student records, searches, drug testing, athletic eligibility, child protection laws, serving homeless students and other related matters.  In addition, our attorneys draft and review student handbooks, student codes of conduct, and district policies and procedures relative to these issues.

Policy Analysis

Nuttall, MacAvoy & Joyce, P.C. attorneys have developed, revised and reviewed numerous school district and school committee policies.  Our firm provides research, technical assistance, and policy development to ensure legal compliance and address the unique needs of each of our clients.  Our firm provides a custom-designed approach to policy review and development so that the policies fit the needs, size and mission of the school districts we represent.  Because our practice is exclusively dedicated to school law, our firm is sensitive to the evolving legal obligations required by state and federal law as well as our clients’ responsibility to respond to the needs of their school communities.  Our firm strives to develop policies that combine legally defensible policies with the practical realities our clients face.

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Based on Civil Rights

Nuttall, MacAvoy & Joyce, P.C. provides school districts representation on civil rights matters at all levels of state and federal government forums, including the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Bureau of Special Education Appeals and all levels of state and federal courts including the United States Supreme Court.  Our expertise includes the representation of clients in matters related allegations of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, and gender identity. 


Get in touch.

We are available to assist you. Please let us know how we can help.